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Pressure switches
We can sup­ply: o­ri­gi­nal Squa­re D FSG2, FYG 22 and FYG 32 pres­su­re swit­ches (al­ways a­vail­able in stock for prompt de­li­ve­ries) and Té­lé­mé­ca­ni­que pres­su­re swit­ches, par­ti­cu­lar­ly all XMP ran­ge.

We are the big­gest di­stri­bu­tor for FSG2 pres­su­re swit­ches. Re­gar­ding that, you can find he­re­with en­clo­sed Schnei­der E­lec­tric’s let­ter, sta­ting that Or­lan­do srl di­stri­bu­tes on­ly o­ri­gi­nal pres­su­re swit­ches.

Schneider Electric's Letter open_in_new picture_as_pdf
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